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We encourage children to worship with their families, but in order to provide an age-appropriate learning opportunity, children are invited to attend Children’s Church after the Children’s Sermon at the 9 a.m. worship service. Children’s Church is a time of prayer, songs, and Bible lessons geared towards kids.
Children’s Ministry
(The Children’s Ministry is for ages 0-12 years.)
Our Children’s Ministry purpose is to be a place where kids, K-5th grade, learn - both through teaching and experience - that God loves them, have positive mentoring experiences with adults in their classes, participate in opportunities to serve alongside adults who guide and disciple them, and they have an opportunity to learn and gain a familiarity with the Bible and its message.
For children who are pre-Kindergarten, we offer nursery care during worship services. Check in with our nursery attendant for sign-in and sign-out.
Vacation Bible School
Preschool through 5th graders participate in a week-long morning event that focuses on Biblical Principles through stories, songs, crafts, snacks, and games. This encourages a fun fellowship with children their own age in a safe environment. Learning about God from adult believers.